
Steps to use the Safe Skin Vegetable Slicer

Using the Safe Skin Vegetable Slicer to make delicious vegetables

For vegetarians and vegans, preparing sumptuous vegetable meals is usually a important. The same can be said for people who take meat in their diets. In the past, vegetarians were very confined in the types of diets they could take. However, today, a lot has changed. There are many of meals that vegetarians can take in. Some of these delicious meals are: Asian Pasta, Zucchini pasta and chicken noodle soup etc. Some of the most frequent vegetables used to make these sumptuous pastas are: beets, potatoes and radishes. In addition, many equipment have been invented to help people prepare the meals. Some of the most commonly used tool are: Safe Skin Vegetable Cutter, Nut Milk Bag and Grater among others. This writing will be based on the Vegetable Slicer which has been invented by Safe Skins and procedure use it to make exceptional meals.

Prepare the Vegetables

First when making any meal is to prepare the ingredients. For the meal to be of the highest standards, the vegetables should to be of the best quality. Thus, it is very important to buy fresh vegetables from a good cereal shop. You should also use sparkling water to wash the vegetables. All this should be done to ensure that the highest health conditions are followed to.

Read the instructions

If this is your inaugural using the safe skins vegetable slicer, I guide that you first study the user guide which comes with it. This will give you the knowledge on the perfect way to use the cutter and how to stay safe.

Strip the vegetables

After preparing the vegetables and studying the manual, you should then peel the vegetables to get rid of the outer cover. It is recommended that you peel 2/3 of the vegetable. For some vegetables however, it is recommended to consume the peel as it has numerous nutrients.

Use the cutter

There are two approaches of using the cutter which are determined on whether you are preparing thick or thin pasta. For this reason, the cutter has 2 sides of varying sizes. After you have decided on the side to use, you should now take the vegetable and place it in the cutter and slide it in a similar way to the Pencil and Sharpener. As you rotate the vegetable, you will see the strands in the other side. You should cease the rotation when the unpeeled section has been reached.

Wash the slicer

The safe skins vegetable cutter is dishwasher friendly. After you are done using it, you can go forward to use the dishwasher to wash it. An alternative method is to use a toothbrush to wash it.

BarDCE2 03.02.2015 0 1719
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