
Determining The Cause Of Back Pain - What You Can Do About It

Back pain can be severe or just a mild annoying twitch; however, it does strike millions of people each year. Backaches can strike anyone, even if they are fit as a fiddle and in great health. Many cases of back pain are just transitory and don't last long. However, severe cases of backaches can hang around for a long time and have to be treated by a doctor. If you want to learn three of the reasons people have backaches, please read the rest of this report.

It's common knowledge that if you are overweight, you are subject to many health issues. Back pain is included in this list. Abdominal fat especially causes your body to become unbalanced, resulting on strain on your spine. The more pounds you pack, the more strain you put on your spine and, consequently, your back has to work harder to keep your body balanced. If you suffer from pain in your back and you are overweight, both your back pain and other health issues might clear up if you lose the weight. Exercise can be helpful, not only for losing weight, but for strengthening your back and abdomen so that you're less likely to experience back pain. As mentioned above, belly fat - also called abdominal fat - is the biggest contributor to back pain because of its location. You need to be aware of the foods you eat, and search out a list of foods that help eliminate abdominal fat.

Certain lifestyle factors can contribute to back pain, and in some cases they are not obvious at first glance. We are all pretty much aware of the well known ill effects that smoking can cause; it can also have a negative influence on your back, resulting with pain. Smoking will decrease the circulation in your body and also reduces the measure of nutrients that are dispersed to your organs and bones.

This will end up becoming a donor to spinal deterioration. The discs in your back are the base from which your vertebrae are located; without proper hydration these discs will not stay healthy. Dehydration is something we need to pay close attention to if we want to keep not only our spine, but our complete body in the best health we can; especially if you have an arduous exercise regimen.

On a more serious note, if you develop kidney problems you may experience back pain. This condition is not to be taken lightly. Due to the fact that your kidneys are near your lower back, if you develop a kidney infection, kidney stones, or other kidney problems, you may suffer from low back pain. It's not uncommon to also have pain in your lower abdomen when you experience kidney problems, and you may also experience pain when you urinate. If you're having any symptoms of this nature, it's important to see a doctor as soon as possible. There are various medical tests, such as ultrasound and urine analysis that can determine if there's a problem with the kidneys. Lower back pain by itself isn't usually a sign of kidney trouble, but if you have any suspicion that this might be the case, it's best to be safe and have it checked. Many different things can put a strain on your spine, and eventually this can lead to back pain. Medical issues can often be the catalyst for back injuries that are hard to diagnose or fix. The best way to find out what is wrong with you is to set an appointment with your physician. Then, once you know what is wrong, and how to fix it, follow the directions your doctor gives you to make everything better.

For other info you can go here: Chiropractor Campbell. You might like to watch this vid also.

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