
12 various methods to benifit daily from Tea Tree oil

Tea Tree oil is a great oil to use on a daily basis. You don’t need to make something complicated in order to enjoy tea tree oil. In this article, we will give twelve different ways to use it daily. Try one today and see how you like it!

If you suffer from acne, add a couple drops when cleaning your face. You can use it with the soap that you already use daily or you can use with just water. It will help to quickly clear up your acne.

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection on your feet that causes the scaling, flaking and itching of the skin. Typically you can treat athlete’s foot with an antifungal cream. Naturally you can treat it with tea tree oil. Mix about 10 drops of tea tree oil with about 1 Tablespoon of a carrier oil, like coconut oil or grape seed oil. Massage the oil into your feet. Repeat every day until the athlete’s foot disappears.

Tea tree oil is often an ingredient in anti-dandruff shampoos. You can easily make your own anti-dandruff shampoo. Select whatever shampoo you usually use and add 20-30 drops of tea tree oil into the shampoo. Mix well and use daily.

If you live in a dry climate or if your skin gets dry and scaly in the winter, you can treat your dry skin by mixing tea tree oil with a carrier oil and then massaging it into your skin.

Earaches are common in children. Oftentimes in order to get rid of the earache you have to put your child on a round of antibiotics. As an alternative, try treating an earache using tea tree oil. Add 2 drops of oil to 2 Tablespoons of warm water. Using a dropper, place one drop of the mixture in each ear. You may need to repeat this a couple times each day until the earache goes away.

Tea tree oil has a fresh scent. It can be used to freshen the air and draw out bad odors. Take a handful of cotton balls and put some tea tree oil on them. Place them in a baggie to store them until you need them. When you smell strong food odor or musty smells, take a cotton ball and place it in the room and it will smell fresh again in no time.

Chapped lips tend to be common in the winter. If you frequently are putting on Chap Stick or lip balm without any relief, try adding a drop or two of tea tree oil to your lip product.

Make a natural mouth wash by combining tea tree oil with water. You can adjust the strength of the mouthwash by adding more or less oil.

Mosquito bites are annoying. If you want to draw the itch out of your mosquito bites simply place 1-2 drops of tea tree oil directly on the bite.

Keep your toothbrush clean with tea tree oil. Once a week place a couple drops of oil on your toothbrush. Let it sit and then rinse it before you use it. It will sanitize it and keep it fresh.

A soothing product that you can use for aching muscles is tea tree bath salt. To make it add 10-15 drops of tea tree oil with ½ cup of Epsom salts. Dissolve the salts in a warm bath and soak in it in order to relieve muscle stress.

Enjoy your tea tree oil every day.

Choose one thing to do today in order to utilize this powerful oil.

WilLmSht4 23.10.2014 0 1730
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