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The expression, sleep like a baby, can be funny; as most of us know, parents experience lots of sleepless nights. According to BabyCenter.com's Medical Advisory Review Board, little ones age 4 to 6 months start sleeping through the night, for a total amoun
SandiMRHS83 25.09.2014 0 1045

For lots of first-time parents, baby's very first bad stomach influenza often catch them off-guard. Inevitably, at some time shortly after their very first birthday, particularly if they are attending day-care, your child will come down with their very fir
SandiMRHS83 25.09.2014 0 1006

When the clocks change either to "spring forward" or to "fall back", most of us have to change our Circadian rhythms (physical, psychological and behavioural adjustments that usually follow a 24 hour cycle). And that goes for infants as well. Some infants
SandiMRHS83 25.09.2014 0 1173

The dispute raves on ... what's better... fabric diapers or disposable diapers. There are completely valid arguments for both sides. Fabric diapers have a number of advantages and negative aspects. They are a lot better for the environment. Especially if y
SandiMRHS83 25.09.2014 0 1005

In the late 1990's, going shopping online was a convenience appreciated by some, yet not many. As the years have gone by, more individuals than ever before are going shopping online. According Invesp, over 80 % of the on the internet population has gone on
SandiMRHS83 24.09.2014 0 1273